P o q e t T o o l s E x p o r t U t i l i t i e s U s e r ' s G u i d e Revision 2.0 January 6, 1996 One major limitation of the PoqetTools Address and Schedule programs is the lack of any import or export commands. The PoqetTools Export Utilities, written by Poqet Computer, will allow you to export your PoqetAddress and PoqetSchedule data files to text files which are suitable for printing. The Export Utilites are made up of the following files: * PQSCHED.EXE A program that converts PoqetSchedule files to an intermediate file format for formatting by REFORMAT.EXE * REFORMAT.EXE A program that takes the intermediate file created by PQSCHED.EXE and formats it for printing. * ADDRESS.EXE A program that converts PoqetAddress files to a file format suitable for printing. * SORT.EXE A program used to sort the names and addresses created by PQSCHED.EXE and REFORMAT.EXE * SCHEDULE.BAT A batch file that will execute PQSCHED.EXE and REFORMAT.EXE to export PoqetSchedule files to a printable file. INSTALLING THE EXPORT UTILITIES To install the Export Utilities, run the file EXPUTIL.EXE. EXPUTIL.EXE is a self-extracting archive that will create the files listed above. Once the files have been extracted, copy them to your Poqet PC. Alternatively, the PoqetAddress and PoqetSchedule data files could be copied to a desktop or laptop PC, and the export utilites could be run on that computer. CONVERTING POQET SCHEDULE FILES The program PQSCHED.EXE converts the entire PoqetSchedule file to ASCII format. The program REFORMAT.EXE then writes out one day of your schedule in an ASCII text format suitable for printing. Both these programs can be executed together by running the DOS batch file SCHEDULE.BAT. The output file of the first program (PQSCHED) will be the input file for the second program (REFORMAT). The file to be printed out is the output of the second program. The final output file contains the schedule for only one day that you specify, not all of the days in your schedule. The format of the final text file is as follows: - The date is printed on the top of the page. - Any ToDo's are printed out next, with the title and notes for each ToDo printed. - The appointments and alarms are then printed out, sorted by time. The appointments and alarms will have the time, title, and notes printed. Please note that only the first seven lines of notes are printed. HOW TO CONVERT POQET SCHEDULE FILES 1. At the DOS prompt, run SCHEDULE.BAT. 2. You will be prompted to "Enter File Path\Name to convert to ASCII:". Enter the full pathname for your PoqetSchedule data file. Usually, this is "D:\APPT.SDB". 3. You will now be prompted to "Enter Export File Path\Name: ". Enter the name of the intermediate file that will be used as input to the REFORMAT program. You can use a simple name like "A:\TEMP". 4. There will be a slight delay while the program PQSCHED converts your PoqetAddress file into the intermediate file you specified in step 3 above. 5. You will now be asked to "Enter correct ASCII File Path\Name to reformat:" Enter the filename that you gave in step 3 ("A:\TEMP", for example). 6. Next, you will be asked to "Enter Correct Output File Path\Name: ". Enter the name of the file that you want printed out. 7. The last thing that you will be prompted for is "Please enter the date. Use format MM/DD/YY, and enter only 8 characters." Here, enter the date for which you would like to see the schedule printed out. Make sure to use slashes ("/") to separate the month and date -- do not use dashes ("-") or spaces (" "). 8. You now have an printable ASCII text file, with the name that you entered in step 6 above. CONVERTING POQET ADDRESS FILES The program ADDRESS.EXE coverts your PoqetAddress file to an ASCII text format that can be printed out. The format of the output text file is as follows: - The group ID and name of the entry will be printed out. - Next, the address of the entry will be printed out. - Then the telephone number will be printed out. - Finally, the notes section will be printed out. Only the first five lines of notes will be printed. HOW TO CONVERT POQET ADDRESS FILES 1. From the DOS prompt, run ADDRESS.EXE. 2. You will first be prompted for the "File to convert: ". Enter the filename of your PoqetAddress data file (this is usually "D:\PHONE.ABD"). Press the key. 3. Next you will be asked for the "File to write: ". Enter the filename of the file to which you want the output text to be written. Hit the key. 4. You now have an printable ASCII text file, with the name that you entered in step 3 above. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE For additional assistance on this utility, point your Web Browser to .