Chapter 8
Poqet Video

PQXT has a built-in 80 x 25-character LCD display which emulates both the CGA and MDA standards. The display also contains a status line located at the bottom of the display screen. The default mode at power- up/reset is MDA.

Poqet has made the display driver in the PQXT as compatible as possible with the standard CGA and MDA display adapters. There are factors, however, which forced Poqet to deviate from these standards. The purpose of this document is to outline departures from the CGA and MDA standards and provide an explanation of each case. Where applicable, workarounds are included.

CGA Emulation

Color in Text Mode

The display technology used in the Poqet PQXT does not support color. To be compatible with the CGA standard, special provisions were designed into the display hardware to deal with the color bits specified in the attribute byte.

Each pixel location is black when turned "on" and white or invisible when turned "off". The CGA emulation hardware has been designed to convert color information into monochrome for display on the LCD screen.

If the three-bit value of the foreground color is equal to the bit value of the background color and the intensity bit (bit 3) is not set, then the character cell will be blank (that is, no LCD pixels will be visible). The one exception to this is when both values are 1 1 1. In this case, all pixels in the character cell will be visible yielding a solid black block.

If the background bits are all set (1 1 1) and the foreground is 000, then the character will be inverse and displayed as a white character drawn in a black box.

When blinking is disabled in CGA control register, bit 7 is cleared in the 6845 register, bit 7 of the attribute byte controls the intensity component of the background on a CGA adapter. Clearing this bit will stop display blinking on the PQXT Models 0164-0168 and 1164, but there will be no observable change in display color mapping.

The CGA color select register is not implemented in the PQXT. Writing to this register has no effect.


Programs that write directly to CGA hardware should be configured as a CGA adapter attached to a monochrome display, if possible. Make sure the attribute selected for characters appears as desired.

Selecting BIOS text mode 02h (00h for 4Ox25) doubles the characters to 8xl6 pixel size. This command works only while the PQXT is in CGA mode.

Display Pages in Text Mode

The CGA specification calls for text mode display pages to start on 4K paragraph boundaries. The 6845 CRT controller, however, does not have this restriction. On a 6845-based CGA adapter, the display pages could start at any even byte address. Poqet has restricted the CGA emulator on the PQXT to conform to the published standard.

Below is a list of allowed values for the 6945 memory start address register high byte:

Page  8Ox25   4Ox25
0     00h     00h
1     10h     08h
2     20h     10h
3     30h     18h
4     n/a     20h
5     n/a     28h
6     n/a     30h
7     n/a     38h

Text Mode Intensity Attribute

Bit 3 of the character attribute byte is used to set character intensity on a CGA adapter. If bit 3 is set, then an alternate form of the character is displayed. An LCD display pixel has no intensity; it can only be on or off. By using an alternate character style, the user is able to discriminate between the two types of characters. On the PQXT Models 0164-0168 and 1164, the alternate character is a single-dot-width character rather than a double-dot-width character.


None needed.

640 x 200, 2-color graphics mode

On a CGA display, one bit corresponds to each pixel location. When this bit is set, the pixel assumes the foreground color. If the bit is not set, the pixel assumes the background color. On the PQXT Models 0164-0168 and 1164, the background color is always white (no LCD pixel visible), and the foreground color is always black (the LCD pixel is visible).


CGA color select register changes will not cause any change on the display.

320 x 200, 4-color graphics mode

On a CGA display, each pixel location is described by two consecutive bits. These two bits allow the pixel to assume the background color (when both are 0) and three other colors.

In implementing this mode on the PQXT Models 0164-0168 and 1164, Poqet made it functionally equivalent to the 640 x 200, 2-color graphics mode. Each bit will still map directly to one pixel. If the two bits used to describe the graphics location are 00, then no pixels are visible. If the bits are 1 1, two pixels will be visible. The values 01 and 10 will be a pattern of one visible pixel adjacent to a pixel location that is not visible. Below is a description of how a solid area would appear for each of the four combinations:

Bit Pattern  Appearance
00           White - no LCD pixels visible
01           Grey - every other LCD pixel visible
10           Grey - every other LCD pixel visible
11           Black - all LCD pixels in the area visible

Note that an area described by the pattern 01 is barely distinguishable from one described by a pattern of 10. Areas shaded as 01 or 10 appear as vertical stripes that are 1 pixel wide.



LCD Cable

The LCD cable connects the hinged LCD panel to the main unit. It is located on the right side of the computer above the right hinge. You can see the cable only when the computer is open.

There are 80 display clocks for every row clock.

Column clock 1 runs for the first 40 display clocks and then stays low for the other 40 display clocks of a row.

Column clock 2 runs for the second 40 display clocks and is low for the first 40 display clocks of a row.

Phase changes every 7 or 9 row clocks on the falling edge of the row clock. These are programmable. Frame sync occurs every 201 row clocks. VCC is system power.

LCD power and #LCD Power are digital signals from ASICs that are in their respective active state when the display is enabled.

Contrast is a programmable-duty-cycle digital signal used for screen contrast.

Battery connects directly to your system batteries.

GND is system ground.

Speaker data is digital speaker data.

Pins are numbered from right to left looking at screen side of upper housing.

Pin Assignments of LCD Cable

Pin      Signal name
1        Data (0)
2        Data (1)
3        Data (2)
4        Data (3)
5        Data (4)
6        Data (5)
7        Data (6)
8        Data (7)
9        Column Clockl
10       Column Clock2
11       Row Clock (Latch Pulse)
12       Phase
13       Framesync
14       vcc
15       LCD Power
16       #LCD Power
17       Contrast
18       Battery
19       GND
20       Speaker Data
Figure 8-1: Synchronization Signals

6845 CRT Controller (CGA Mode)

Poqet has emulated the 6845 CRT controller on the PQXT. The following text describes those features of the 6845 that have been implemented differently than on a standard CGA adapter.

3D4h 6845 Index register

This register is used to point to 18 registers inside the 6845 denoted 6845(0) - 6845(17). Poqet has implemented registers 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. Those registers not implemented deal with operational aspects of a CRT.


None needed.

6845(12) (bits 5-3) Memory start address

(Bits 0,1,2 are ignored)

The CGA text mode specification calls for text mode display pages to start on 4K paragraph boundaries. The 6845 CRT controller, however, does not have this restriction. On a 6845 based CGA adapter, the display pages could start at any address. Poqet has restricted the CGA emulator on the PQXT to conform to the published text standard.

Although there is only one display page available for CGA graphics modes, it is possible to change the memory start address registers to another address. Since there are 384 bytes of memory at the bottom of the graphics page, it would be possible to change the start address to take advantage of the extra memory. PQXT does not support the ability to change the start address in graphics mode.


Use BIOS calls for video services

3D8h - Control Register

Bit 2 (select B&W mode) is ignored since the PQXT is always in black and white.

Bit 5 (background color) will not cause a change in background appearance when set to 0.

Bit 3 (enable video) will yield the same result as on a CGA adapter. However, on PQXT this bit also enables the control signals and power to the LCD display circuits. When bit 3 is 0 (the power-up/reset state), the display clock oscillator stops running and power is removed from the display circuits.


Disable the display via bit 3 only when wishing to conserve power.

3D8h - Stcttus Register

The PQXT display logic does not perform any vertical retrace. There are programs, however, that will monitor this register in an attempt to perform synchronized access to the CGA hardware. To avoid problems with such programs, bit 0 and bit 3 will change states each time a read is made to this 1/0 port. However, unlike the original IBM CGA adaptor, display interference can't be corrected by monitoring these bits. Despite this interference, the LCD display is still able to provide a clean image.


Do not attempt to perform synchronized access as this will slow down video throughput.

MDA Emulation

Character Cell Size: The MDA standard uses a character cell that is 9xl4 pixels. The PQXT display can only accommodate an 8x8 character cell. The character set used for MDA is the same as the CGA character set. There are still 25 rows of 80 characters, even though there are fewer pixels than on an MDA monitor.


The only time this could cause a problem is when selecting a cursor size. The most common MDA cursor size uses the scan lines 0Ch and 0Dh to display the cursor. However, these values are out of the 8x8 cell region. The display hardware performs a translation on cursor start and end scan line values to scale them into the 8x8 cell. See the discussion in the 6845 CRT Controller (MDA Mode) section below for a table of translated cursor values.

Text Mode Intensity

Attribute bit 3 of the character attribute byte is used to set a characters intensity on an MDA adapter. If bit 3 is set, then an alternate form of the character is displayed. An LCD display pixel has no intensity - it can only be on or off. The use of an alternate character style will still allow the user to discriminate between the two types of characters. On PQXT Models 0164-0168 and 1164, the alternate character is a single-dot-width character rather than a double-dot-width character.


None needed.

6845 CRT Controller (MDA Mode)

Poqet has emulated the 6845 CRT controller on the PQXT. The following text describes those features of the 6845 that have been implemented differently than on a standard MDA adapter.

3B4h / 3B5h - 6845 Index Regiqter

This register is used to point to 18 registers inside the 6845 denoted 6845(0) - 6845(17). Poqet has implemented registers 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. Those registers not implemented deal with operational aspect of a CRT.


None needed.

6845(10) (bits 3-0) Cursor start register

Since the character cell size on the PQXT display is 8x8 pixels instead of 9xl4 pixels, translation hardware was designed into the display driver to change MDA cursor start line into an 8x8 compatible line number.


Use BIOS calls for video services. Consult the table below when writing directly to the 6845(10) register:
Value                          Value
written to 3B5h                stored in 6845(10)
0h                             0h
lh                             0h
2h                             lh
3h                             lh
4h                             2h
5h                             2h
6h                             3h
7h                             3h
8h                             4h
9h                             4h
Ah                             5h
Bh                             5h
Ch                             6h
Dh                             7h
Eh                             7h
Fh and above                   7h

6845 113 (bits 3-0) Cursor end register

Since the character cell size on the PQXT display is 8x8 pixels instead of 9xl4 pixels, translation hardware was designed into the display driver to change MDA cursor end address into an 8x8 compatible address.


Use BIOS calls for video services. Consult the table below when writing directly to the 6845 register:
Value                                Value
written to 3B5h                      stored in 6845 (11)
0h                                   0h
lb                                   0h
2h                                   lb
3h                                   lb
4h                                   2h
5h                                   2h
6h                                   3h
7h                                   3h
8h                                   4h
9h                                   4h
Ah                                   5h
Bh                                   5h
Ch                                   6h
Dh                                   7h
Eh                                   7h
Fh and above                         7h

6845(12) (bits 5-3) - Memory start address

The MDA standard allows for only one page of text. The 6845, however, will allow the start address to be changed to any byte boundary. This would allow an application to take advantage of the extra 192 character positions at the end of display memory. The PQXT does not support this. The only valid value for this register is 00h. Writes made to the register are ignored in MDA mode.


3B8b - Control Register

Bit 3 (enable video) will yield the same result as on an MDA adapter. However, on the PQXT this bit also controls the control signals and power to the LCD display circuits. When bit 3 is 0 (the power-up/reset state), the display control signals are disabled and power is removed from the display circuits.


Disable the display via bit 3 only when wishing to conserve power.

3D8h - Status Register

The PQXT display logic does not perform any vertical retrace. There are programs, however, that will monitor this register in an attempt to perform synchronized access to the MDA hardware. To avoid problems with such programs, bits 0 and bit 3 will change states each time a read is made to this I/0 port.


Do not attempt to perform synchronized access as this will slow down video throughput.


The flrst character (upper left comer) and last character (ower right comer) of the display do not blink.

Blinking Attribute

PQXT is able to provide its long battery life in part by powering down the CPU between keystrokes. This can cause a problem with the blinking attribute at certain times. For instance, unless the CPU is powered up any character with the blinking attribute set will not operate. However, when any key is pressed the CPU is powered up and the character blinking is then enabled.

Note: The blinking attribute will operate normally when the Power Management software is off.

BC000 space (bit mapped graphics)

One way PQXT saves power is to incorporate a bit-map pixel memory that is used for the image that appears on the screen. In text mode, characters and attributes are written to character memory locations B8000 to BBFFF (B0000 to B0FFF in MDA mode). As programs write characters to this character memory, the display controller converts the characters into bit-maps that appear in the pixel memory and on the display. This pixel memory is located at addresses BC000 to BFFFF.

In CGA grapics mode, the pixel memory is the same as the CGA even and odd scan line graphics memory areas. Since the same physical memory is used for both memeory areas, reads and writes to B8000-BBFFF have the same efffect as reads and writes to B8000-BBFFF for the same offset. For example, a write to location B8055 is the same as a write to BC055.This is illustrated in Figure 8-2, CGA graphics memory.

Figure 8-2: MDA Graphics

The bit mapped status line also appears within the pixel memory. In MDA or CGA text modes the status line is located in locations BFE80 to BFECF. In CGA graphics mode, the status line memory is located in locations B9F90 to B9FDF. Uuustrations of the status line locations for the display modes are shown in Figures 8-2 and 8-3 below. Figure 8-3: MDA Graphics

Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Poqet Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Filename: PoqetPC/docs/poqetpc/techref/chapter8.html
Date Created: 23 May 98, Last Modified: 23 May 98
Created by Bryan Mason - E-Mail: poqetpc<at>bmason<dot>com