P o q e t S y s t e m S e t u p U t i l i t y U s e r ' s G u i d e Revision 3.052-a July 6, 1994 This document describes the Poqet System Setup Utility (PQSETUP), version 3.02 that is part of release 3.052 of the Plus Series System Software. In usage syntax descriptions, optional arguments for the utilities are enclosed in brackets ("[" and "]"). The Poqet System Setup Utility (PQSETUP) will change various system parameters, including power management settings and serial port configurations. The command line syntax of PQSETUP is: PQSETUP [/?] [/F] [/K=country] [/V=video] [/P=power_mode] [/O=off_timer] [/B=x;y;z] [/A=x;y;z] [/C=x;y;z] [/M=backlight] [/L=bl_timer] [/R=port_config] [/S=cpu_speed] [/X=access_code] [/E=serial_mode] These options are described in detail below. /? If no option is specified or the "/?" option is used, or PQSETUP will display a brief description of all the commands "no options" and options that can be specified for PQSETUP. /F The "/F" option will reset the system settings to the factory defaults. /K=country The "/K" option sets the default system country code to . See the Plus Series Technical Reference Guide for a list of valid country codes. Default: country = 00 (USA) Example: "PQSETUP /K=01" sets the country code to the United Kingdom. /V=video The "/V" option sets the default video adapter to either CGA or MDA. If